Stop Motion
Wallace and Gromit
An example of Stop Motion Animation

Stop motion animation is based on the same principles as hand drawn animation.​
Rather than using multiple drawing stop motion uses physical objects such as puppets or models. The models are moved very slightly between each frame to give the illusion of movement.

Walt Disney
Co-Founder of
Disney Animation Studios
Walt Disney explains how the Disney animation studio used a new technology to give more depth to his cartoons.
Using a multi plane camera the animators were able to give a 3D effect to 2D drawings .
A thaumatrope from the 1800's

A thaumatrope is one of the earliest examples of animation. Children would play with this toy by spinning it on a string. When spun fast enough it tricks the eyes into seeing two images at once. This trick is called persistence of vision and is also how a flip-book works.
Walt Disney
Co-Founder of
Disney Animation Studios
Walt Disney explains how the Disney animation studio used a new technology to give more depth to his cartoons.
Using a multi plane camera the animators were able to give a 3D effect to 2D drawings .